
Sunday, June 23, 2013


When A lot of people are going down hill, they do not realize it. They ignore it, they continue down the wrong path. This time for me I am doing the complete opposite, I am refusing to let this awful diseases to take over me. I am doing therapy two day's a week as well as groups, I want to get as better as possible before I leave for college. I don't want t do bad when I go there. I want to live life and start a new chapter. Which I PLAN on doing. I am not going to do bad. I am going to continue to look on the positive sight. My therapist has been there for me more then anyone I know, she is helping me so much I can't even believe she hasn't switched me with someone else, and I am grateful. I may be struggling, I may be isolating, but I am changing, I'm staying out of my room, I'm working, I' trying to eat, a lot. I'm not exercising. I'm just struggling in my mind. Which I really need to change, I'm still uncomfortable with the way I look, and the way  I act. But I have to stop judging myself, a lot of people complement me, most who don't know me judge me. I am learning some great things about me. I have to say right now that is all that matters, I am refusing to let this mental illness put a frown on my face!

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