
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Positive mood!

As I've mentioned in the past few post, I have been struggling bad. I had symptoms I engaged in behaviors, I purged and restricted a lot. And I haven't purged in 6 months, I felt horrible. Today when I woke up I felt amazing! I have been happy all day, I ate, I didn't have symptoms, I felt good in my own skin. I went out on my own! I went to the mall go my hair cut.
Then I went to mejirs got stuff for smoothies, went to American Eagle but didn't find anything I liked.  Went to cv's and now I'm about to paint my nails. I watched movies I power cleaned my room, I cleaned the house, I took care of my baby! He's still sick. Poor dog might have diabetes. My stomach is still swollen. Tomorrow I go to a neurologist. Which will probably be a waster of money, then  I have work 4-8 and then I have therapy AGAIN this week at 830. Then  I am going to come home and rest. I need it, I have been so stressed out this week. I am tired.  I want to relax and get away from all the stress. I have another therapy appt on Monday, and then the dog vet on Tuesday, and then probably work. And then Therapy on Friday, and My graduation party on saturday. I am soooo tired!

Well today has been great!

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